Release Notes
The code and further documentation about Competitions can be found in the GitHub repository.
1.21.3 (September 13, 2024)
- Submissions by grant administrators can be deleted at any time. #1081
- Update ruby-saml ruby gem.
1.21.2 (September 4, 2024)
- Fix SAML log out. #1076
- Update rexml ruby gem.
- Upgrade trix yarn package.
1.21.1 (August 7, 2024)
- Type to select when assigning a submission to a reviewer.
- Bug fixes, minor improvements.
1.21 (July 3, 2024)
- Redesign reviewer tab and review assignment process. #486
- Assign reviews from the submissions index page.
- Bug fixes, minor improvements.
1.20 (April 19, 2024)
- Display submission responses in display order in download. #1038
- Update Rails version to
- Bug fixes, minor improvements.
- 1.19 (November 15, 2023)
- 1.18 (May 8, 2022)
1.17.1 (September 1, 2022)
- Fix javascript load on reviewers page. #975
1.17 (August 8, 2022)
- Add ability manage reviewer invitations. #911
- Specify language in html tags. #196
- Change text for reviewer email. #941
- Clean up banner and grant reviewer views. #935
- Add notifications column to the index of grant permissions. #792
- Add checkbox for submission notifications to new grant permissions. #793
- Cache visible system banners and include on all pages. #235
- Fix signout issue. #964
- Fix deployment issues. #946
- Remove logged in saml user access to registered user pages. #602
- Fix failing specs. #936, #947, #957
- Add jsbundling for handling javascript. #931
- Add turbo-rails gem. #954
- Upgrade devise gem. #964
- Upgrade devise_saml_authenticatable gem. #964
- Bump nokogiri 1.13.6. #939
- Bump rack #948
- bump rails-html-sanitizer to 1.4.3 #952 #922
- 1.16.1 (April 11, 2022)
1.16 (February 22, 2022)
- Display applicant name instead of submitter on review assignment page. #877
- Account for long grant titles in CSS. #880
- Update the publish date for consistent formatting. #900
- Account for logged in users in devise controllers. #896
- Rearrange registered user login page. #897
- Update the publish date for consistent formatting. #900
- Update rails version to 6.1.5 and corresponding gems. #903
- Remove devise rememberable. #905
- Exclude discarded submissions from index page. #914
- Check upload filetypes. #915
- Update Puma version. #899
- Update Nokogiri version. #912
1.15.2 (February 4, 2022)
- Add nil checks for error messaging. #891
1.15.1 (February 4, 2022)
- Add a check for existence of registered user. #891
- 1.15 (January 26, 2022)
- 1.14 (October 21, 2021)
1.13 (August 4, 2021)
- Change applicants to submitters. #785
- Create the new applicant role. #786
- Add applicants to grant submissions. #249
- Add applicants to profile submissions. #249
- Add applicants to reviews. #249
- Add applicants to panels. #249
- Add ability to add aditional applicants on submission edit. #249
- Add notification emails when adding or removing applicants. #848
- 1.12 (August 1, 2021)
1.11 (June 23, 2021)
- Add anchor link to change reviewer counts. #815
- Move Review Guidance from Overview to Review Criteria tab. #817
- Add help text to Review Guidance. #816
Change config examples to reflect the test env saml idp suggested in the new wiki.
- 1.10 (April 22, 2021)
1.9.1 (March 17, 2021)
- Update pagination settings to include all submissions on xlsx exports. #795
- 1.9 (February 22, 2021)
- 1.8 (February 17, 2021)
1.7 (January 29, 2021)
- Adds submission exports to excel.
1.6 (January 13, 2021)
- Add reviewer invitation workflow.
- Add Autocomplete to users in grant permissions.
- Fix grant permission form layout.
1.5 (December 17, 2020)
- Add Select2 autocomplete to grant permissions.
- Add dropdown admin links.
- Change submission flash messages.
- Update reviewer assignment email.
- Clarify delete confirm dialogues.
- Fix javascript confirmation dialogues on delete.
1.4 (December 3, 2020)
- Fix storage symlink.
- Update devise_saml_authenticatable gem.
- Fix failing specs.
- Fix update method in saml_sessions controller.
1.3 (November 16, 2020)
- Fix excel export of reviews.
- Fix admin delete of submissions.
- Redesign grant published button.
- Fix issues with flexbox.
- Use configurable application name where appropriate.
- Standardize links and headers.
- Add panels.
- Refactor pagy_header.
- Pin footer to window bottom.
1.2 (October 22, 2020)
- Update to rails 6.
- Changes for registered users.
- Increase configurable elements.
1.1 (October 6, 2020)
- Make foundation settings configurable.
- Customize devise views.
- Add symlink storage file.
- Update devise_saml_authenticatable gem.
- Fix submission delete errors.
- Split users into registerable and saml users.
- Refactor full root url helper method.
- Change readme file.
- Make changes for open sourcing.
- Include question instructions on application view.
- Enforce review date.
- Add reviewer reminder emails.
- Add hover text to table headings.
1.0 (September 15, 2020)
- Initial release of Competitions.